Se han guardado sus preferencias de configuración regional. Nos gusta pensar que tenemos un excelente soporte para el español en Pretalx, pero si encuentra problemas o errores, ¡contáctenos!

Santiago Barrail

Santiago Barrail is a Policy Officer at the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), where he is responsible for the overall coordination of the Youth Democracy Cohort and leading advocacy efforts for greater youth political participation around the world. Prior to joining EPD, Santiago worked at the Carter Center, the European External Action Service, the United Nations Development Program and the private sector. He holds a Masters’ in International Relations from the University of Amsterdam. He is from Paraguay but is now based in Belgium.


¿Cuál es su organización?

European Partnership for Democracy


O Futuro do Governo Aberto / El Futuro del Gobierno Abierto / The Future of Open Government
David Goessmann, Sanjay Pradhan, Edie Cux, Milagros Ortiz Bosch, TC Broadnax, Valeria Torres, Matthew McNaughton, Santiago Barrail, Rosario Pavese, Lazaro Tuñon Sastre, Roby Senderowitsch, Ana María Ramos Serrano, Daniel Schuman
Encuentro de Gobierno Abierto
Sala 1 (Plenarinho) [pt-br, es, en]