Reinventando a participação cidadã na América Latina / Reinventando la participación ciudadana en América Latina / Reinventing citizen participation in Latin America
05/12/2024 , Sala 8
Idioma: Español

Esta sessão tem como objetivo criar um espaço de aprendizado e colaboração onde profissionais e pesquisadores da América Latina possam compartilhar suas experiências e percepções sobre os avanços na participação cidadã. Além disso, o evento servirá como um intercâmbio entre membros de duas redes que promovem a participação em todo o mundo: People Powered e Open Government Partnership (OGP).

Esta sesión apunta a crear un espacio de aprendizaje y colaboración donde practicantes e investigadores de América Latina puedan compartir sus experiencias y percepciones sobre los avances en la participación ciudadana. Además, el evento servirá como un intercambio entre miembros de dos redes que fomentan la participación en el mundo: People Powered y Open Government Partnership (OGP).

This session aims to create a space for learning and collaboration where professionals and researchers from Latin America can share their experiences and perceptions of advances in citizen participation. In addition, this meeting will serve as an exchange between members of two networks that promote participation around the world: People Powered and Open Government Partnership (OGP).

Program Coordinator at People Powered, a global hub for participatory democracy. Focus on inclusion and community building.

PhD Candidate in Public Administration and Government at Fundação Getulio Vargas, in São Paulo - Brazil, studying participatory democracy in contexts of crisis and after crisis.

Carla Bezerra serves as the Director of Digital Participation and Network Communication at the General Secretariat of the Brazilian Presidency, where she oversees the Brasil Participativo Platform. She is also member of the Board of Directors of People Powered, a global hub for participatory democracy around the globe. Carla holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of São Paulo and throughout her career, Carla has worked as both a practitioner and a scholar, focusing on democracy, relations between civil society and the State, participatory policies, and digital participation.

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